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2X Signal Booster

630-Meter Band Lowdown Amateur Radio Antenna

AAIRO (American Association of Information Radio Operators)

About Information Station Specialists

Airports, Stations for

ALERT AM Emergency Advisory Radio System

ALERT AM Planning Steps

ALERT AM Technical Specifications

Alert Signs, Flashing

Alert Signs, Stealth

Alert & Other Information Radio Stations across America - State by State

All Products at a Glance

Amateurs, Radio Stations for

American Association of Information Radio Operators

AMReady Broadcast Products

Antenna, AM Radio (AN2X)

Antenna, AM Radio (ANXX)

Antenna Features Compared

Antenna, High Performance AM Radio (HPR.0990)

Antenna, Range Extender Outdoor Antenna and Tuner (RE 2.5)

Antenna Setups TechTalk Article

Antenna Support and Grounding System, Vertical Profile (VP.9000)

Antenna System with Tower, Free-Standing AM Radio (SS.3000)

AN2X AM Radio Antenna

ANXX AM Radio Antenna

Application Highlights

Articles by Our Company within the Last Year

Audio Control Methods, Comparison of

Audio Distribution to Satellite Stations

Audio Filter, HQ 5.0

Audio Processor, HQ 5.2


Baker, Bill - Information Station Specialists Founder

Beacons, Flashing

Bridges, Stations for

Broadcast Products, AM

Broadcasts, Permitted Content

Broadcasts, Professionally Recorded Messages

Broadcasts, Streaming over the Internet

Broadcasting (See "Audio Control Methods"  &  "Permitted Content"   &  "Recording Services.")

Brochures (Linked & download-able from each product's webpage.)

Byways, Stations for


Cel/Synchronization (See "GPS Frequency Stabilization.")

Changeable Message Signs

Colleges, Radio Stations for

Commercial AM Station Products

Comparison Chart - Audio Control Methods

Comparison Chart - Product Features - Stations, Sign, Antennas

Contacts for Our Company

Content Permitted by the FCC for Information Radio Broadcasts

Conventional AM Radio Antenna

Corporate Overview, Information Station Specialists

Customer Comments - also scattered throughout out website

Cut Sheets (Email Us to request specific cut sheets or go to radio system technical specification  pages, accessible from main product pages for ALERT AM, the Information Station, RadioSAFE, RadioSTAT and VoiceStar.)


Digital Audio Management Systems


Emergency and Evacuations Highlights

Emergency Advisory Radio Stations

Emergency Advisory & Other Information Radio Stations across America - State-by-State

Emergency Advisory Radio Stations, History of

Entry Point Application Highlights

Entry Points, Radio Stations for

Event Application Highlights

Events, Radio Stations for

EventCAST Radio Station and LED Sign Rentals



FAS.6000 Flashing Beacons and Controller

FASTrack Quick-Erect Portable Signs

FCC Licensing Services

FCC TIS Compliance Guide, 2014

FCC TIS Rules, 2015 Update

Features Comparison Chart for All Our Products

Federal Communications Commission (See FCC entries, above.)

Filter, HQ 5.0 Audio (for TR.6000 HQ 5.0 Transmitter)

Firsts, Notable

Flashers and Controllers for Highway Signs - FAS.6000

Flashing ALERT Signs

Flashing Sign Products

Flex-Plane Groundplane

Formula for Determining Appropriate Broadcast Content

Founder, Bill Baker

Founding, Information Station Specialists

Free-Radiate Systems

Free-Standing AM Radio Antenna System with Tower (SS.3000)

Frequency Search Services

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Glossary of Radio Terms

Government Agencies' Products





HAM 630-Meter Antenna

HAZMAT, Radio Stations for

Health, Radio Stations for Public

HearMoreInfo Internet Broadcasts (See "StreamCAST.")

High Performance AM Radio Antenna (HPR.0990) Product

Highway Advisory Radio Stations

Highway Advisory Application Highlights

Historic Site Application Highlights

History - Information Station Specialists

History - Travelers Information Stations at National Parks.

History - Travelers Information Station at LAX

HPR.0990 Antenna

HQ 5.0 Audio Filter (See also TR.6000 HQ 5.0 Transmitter.)

HQ 5.2 Audio Processor (See also TR.6000 HQ 5.0 Transmitter.)


i A.M. Radio Enhanced Audio Transmitter (See InfOspot System. For pre-2020 Talking House sign art and instruction manuals, see Talking House Resources.)

Industry, Radio Stations for

InfoRadio Format

Information Radio Stations across America - State by State

Information Radio Stations - License Free

Information Radio Stations Overview - Licensed

Information Station IP or USB

Information Station Planning Steps

Information Station Technical Specifications

InfOspot (Talking House) License-Free Radio Station

InfOspot Portable License-Free Radio Station

Installation Services

IP.76 Digital Message Player Product Overview

ITS.6000 Highway Advisory Radio Network (See ALERT AM Emergency Advisory Radio System.)


LAX Radio and the Origin of the Travelers Information Service by Dick Burden

License-Free Solutions

Licensing Services, FCC

Lifetime Product Support

LIGHTNING Portable LED Message Sign

Limitations of Information Radio by the FCC (See also "Signal Penetration.")

Live Remote Technical Support

Lowdown 630 Meter Antenna for Amateur Radio, The

Low Power FM


Maintenance Recommendations for Operators

MBX.22 THEMATCHBOX Impedance Matching Transformer

Micro Broadcasters, Radio Stations for

Military, Radio Stations for

MGR.021 Digital Audio Management System


National Places that Have used Information Radio Stations

News - Recent

Nonprofits, Radio Stations for

NX8R Digital Message Player Operating Instructions

NX8R Digital Message Player Product Overview - Discontinued in 2022. See audio management systems now offered.


Operator's Zone


Parking, Radio Stations for

Park Application Highlights

Parks, National - Radio Stations

Parks, Radio Stations for

Part 15 Solutions

Plan a FCC-Licensed Information Radio System

Points of Entry Application Highlights

Portable Changeable Message Sign - VoiceStar

Portable LED Changeable Message Sign - LIGHTNING

Portable Quick-Erect Temporary Sign

Portable Radio Stations

Portable Signs Overview

PowerPlane Preassembled Groundplane - See "FlexPlane"

Processor, HQ 5.2 (for TR.6000 HQ 5.0 Transmitter)

Products, All at a Glance

Professional Recording Services

Public Health Application Highlights

Public Health, Radio Stations for

Public Safety, Radio Stations for

Public Schools, Radio Stations for

Purchase Methods to Buy Information Station Specialists Products & Services


Questions, Frequently Asked


RadioExpress (See EventCast.)

RadioSAFE Wide Area Emergency Radio Broadcast Systems

RadioSAFE Wide Area Emergency Radio Broadcast Systems Planning Guide

RadioSAFE Wide Area Emergency Radio Broadcast System 10X Technical Specifications

RadioSAFE Wide Area Emergency Radio Broadcast System 500:10X Technical Specifications

RadioSTAT Portable Emergency Advisory Radio Station - main webpage

RadioSTAT Portable Emergency Advisory Radio Station Planning Steps

RadioSTAT Portable Emergency Advisory Radio Station Technical Specifications

Radio Terminology, Glossary of

RE 2.5 Range Extender Outdoor Antenna and Tuner - for Talking House (i A.M. Radio) / InfOspot Transmitters

RealTIME Transmitter Synchronization (See "GPS...")

Recording Services

Remote Technical Support

Rental Station

Returns, Repairs, & Replacements

Rules, FCC


Safety, Radio Stations for Public

Satellite Stations, Audio Distribution to

Schools, Radio Stations for

Services, Installation

Services, Licensing and Frequency Searches

Services, Recording

Services, Technical Support

Seven Reasons Customers Say They Buy Information Radio Stations

Signal Booster, 2X

Signal Measurement Radio Receiver

Signal Penetration (See also "Limitations...")

Signs, Advisory

Sign Features Compared

Signs, Flashers & Controller for

Signs, Flashing

Signs, LED Message

Signs, Portable

Signs, Stealth

Signs, Temporary


Source, The - Information Radio Newsletter (recent)

SS.3000 Free-Standing AM Radio Antenna System with Tower

Standard AM Radio Antenna (ANXX)

Stealth Signs

StreamCAST Internet Audio Delivered Broadcasts     

Streaming, Internet

SuperStation3000 (See "Antenna System, High Efficiency.")

SX.200 Wattmeter Operating Instructions


Talking House AM Radio Transmitter with or without i.A.M. Radio Enhanced Audio (See InfOspot System instead.)

Technical Support

Technical Tips for Operators

TechTalk Articles

Temporary Radio Station

THEMATCHBOX Impedance Matching Transformer

TIDE Formula for Determining What May Be Broadcast

TMS.020 Digital Audio Management System

TR.6000 HQ 5.0 Transmitter (See also Audio Filter HQ 5.0 and Audio Processor HQ 5.2.)

TR.6000 Model 15.73 Transmitter

Traffic Control, Radio Stations for

Transformer, Multi-Tap Transmission-Line (See THEMATCHBOX Impedance Matching Transformer.)

Transmitter System, TR.6000 Model 15.73

Transmitter System, TR.6000 HQ 5.0

Transportation Application Highlights

Travelers' Information Stations

Travelers' Information Stations LAX History

Travelers' Information Stations NPS History

Turnkey Installation



Universities, Radio Stations for

Upgrade Ideas for Operators


Vertical Profile Antenna Support and Grounding System (VP.9000)

Visitor Information, Radio Stations for

Visitor Information Stations at National Parks, Byways, Forests, Monuments, Seashores, Refuges & Historic Sites

VoiceStar Portable Information Radio Station - main page

VP.9000 Vertical Profile Antenna Support and Grounding System



Wattmeter Operating Instructions

Wide Area Emergency Radio Broadcast Systems, RadioSAFE

Why Buy Information Radio Stations