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Portable Information Radio Stations
Travelers Information Stations  |  Highway Advisory Radio  |  Emergency Advisory Radio  |  License-Free Stations
RadioSTAT System
3 to 5 Mile Radius Range
Easy to deploy to incidents, this compact, transportable Information Radio Station can also operate from a fixed location when not required in the field. Sharable with other communities. Optional: network operation, USB-flash drive audio management or both. Electronics are housed in a light-weight, high-impact, weather-resistant case with carrying bags for portable antenna and accessories. With network control, a RadioSTAT system can be managed across a wireless gateway.

VoiceStar System
3 to 5 Mile Radius Range
VoiceStar Systems are solar powered information radio stations on towable trailers for quick deployment. Available with and without full-sized Changeable Message Signs, both visual and radio messages can be managed via wireless means or locally. VoiceStar Systems may operate from a fixed location when not needed in the field. These systems are built to operate for extended periods in isolated locations.
EventCAST Rental Station
3 to 5 Mile Radius Range
Rent an Information Radio Station for an event, emergency, signal testing or as an interim solution while a permanent station is installed. Packages can include services: licensing, onsite setup assist and professional message recording.

InfOspot Drive-Thru System
1/4-1/2 Mile Radius Range
This radio system deploys anywhere in minutes, delivering a broadcast range typically of 1/4-mile radius. No FCC license is required. Electronics are housed in a 19” rack, nestled in a wheeled, weather-resistant case with a quick-erect antenna stand, telescoping mast and coaxial cable. Our InfOspot Drive-Thru Package incorporates the External Digital Audio Player and Audio Mixer / Microphone options to enable live or recorded programming. You can program the system for automatic live microphone interruption of the recorded programming if required.
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Fixed Information Radio Systems
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RadioSTAT Use Example
Arizona DOT used RadioSTAT stations to keep motorists informed about 2 wildfires.

The DOT borrowed 2 portable RadioSTAT stations from the State’s Department of Emergency Management / Bureau of Land Management to get critical information to I-17 drivers about danger and closures. Portable changeable message signs were brought onsite to direct drivers to the 1650 and 1690 AM signals. The Department updated the radio stations' programming via cellular modem gateways from their offices, so motorists are kept apprised of the fires' status.