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InfOspot AM Radio Transmitter System
Drive-Thru Package This radio system deploys anywhere in minutes, delivering a typical daytime broadcast radius range of 1/4 mile.

Electronics are housed in a 19” rack, nestled in a wheeled, weather resistant case with a quick-erect antenna stand, telescoping mast and coaxial cable.

InfOspot Drive-Thru Package incorporates the External Digital Audio Player and Audio Mixer/Microphone options to enable live or recorded programming. Program the system for automatic live microphone interruption of the recorded programming if required.
  • PODs (Points of Medical Dispensing/Testing).
  • Evacuation Convergence Locations.
  • Event Sites/Drive-In Movie Audio.
  • Churches Services and Meetings.
  • School Graduations and other Ceremonies.
  • Funeral Homes during times of crisis. such as COVID-19.

FASTrack sign 
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FASTrack Quick-Erect Sign to announce the station's frequency.

A 6-18' quick-erect stand with telescoping mast supports InfOspot's outdoor tuner and antenna system. See Antenna Siting for "License-Free" stations.
Related Links
InfOspot Brochure
Main InfOspot Webpage
Emergency Advisory Radio Products
Events Radio Products