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 Professional Recording Services
Add Clear, Professional Sounding Messages to Your Information Station
Free Recordings

To encourage the highest quality broadcasts and to keep station operators in touch and connected, we offer those who join AAIRO (summarized below) complimentary professional recording services for general, nonevent-oriented broadcast messages. You provide the copy. Free recordings are in English, single-voice and limited to 3 minutes of recordings per calendar year. This ongoing offer is extended to new and existing operators alike and may be requested by AAIRO members at any time during their station's operational lifetime. Membership in AAIRO is free at

Commissioned Recordings

Station operators who need to build a library of recordings that relate to events or are applicable seasonally or situationally choose commissioned recordings. You merely provide the copy, and we take it from there. This affordable service is quoted based on volume. Request a quote.

InfoRadio Format     

The InfoRadio Format is a format especially for operators of Information Radio Stations who want to broadcast specialized information in a professionally produced, multi-voice presentation. We even help you write the script. The demos linked immediately below give examples of the InfoRadio Formats that are on the air at events and communities in the USA.

- Hear a community-based demo.  
- Listen to an event-based demo

Bilingual Bonus

English/Spanish bilingual messages can be incorporated into any of the above-described recordings for an additional charge. Please inquire.

Message Creation, Delivery, Storage and Archiving

All recorded messages are created as mp3 files and stored with us for additional security and future editing convenience. Recorded messages are typically provided to you as email attachments or by direct download, for larger projects.  On this webpage, you can learn what types of content the FCC allows.

Program Management

We can even manage which messages are on your station day to day – all remotely. Inquire for more information on how we can help you keep your content current.


The American Association of Information Radio Operators is a nonprofit organization of Information Radio Station operators and licensees from public agencies across the country. The group exists to keep members informed of legal and operational issues affecting their stations; share best practices; provide a discussion forum for issues of the day related to Information Radio broadcasting. Membership is free. Visit 

HEAR Sample Voices  
Jack Jeff