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Customer Testimonial
Mt. Mitchell antenna installation
Installing Mount Mitchell's Information Radio Antenna
Arguably the Highest Radio Antenna East of the Mississippi
Photo Courtesy of NC Parks
Mount Mitchell State Park in North Carolina's radio broadcast is all about safety, advising upbound patrons of service limitations before they climb the steep 1400-foot access road. Weather at the top can be sharply colder with snow and fog that some visitors don’t plan for before they start upward. The winding access road is also traveled by bikers and hikers that drivers need to keep an eye out for.

The Friends of Mount Mitchell’s IT manager Alan Orovitz:  “[The broadcast] provides critical safety information. If there are severe weather conditions expected we definitely don’t want people to start out on the trail system.”

With the Mount Mitchell station, North Carolina State Parks join hundreds of outdoor venues that have installed Information Radio Stations to inform visitors as they approach – the optimum time to reach out to refresh details they might think they know from the web.