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 7 Upgrade Ideas for Operators

High AM Radio Performance Antenna
Increase your station's signal level.
Some operators may be able to increase their station’s signal levels by substituting the HPR.0990 Antenna for their existing one. Inquire with Information Station Specialists if there is an opportunity for you station to take advantage.
See details about the HPR.0990 Antenna.
2HQ5.1 TIS Audio Processor 
Audio Bandwidth Upgrade
Give your station a more natural sound.
Add a 5000 Hz audio bandwidth filter or processor to your system’s audio chain to make broadcast quality more natural – like conventional broadcasters.

This is an upgrade usually performed in conjunction with the addition of a high quality IP.76 Digital Message Player and Professional Recording Services (listed below).

If your system was installed after 2015, you already have 5000 Hz bandwidth capability built in.
See details about the HQ 5.2 Broadcast Quality Audio Processor.
See also the HQ 5.0 Audio Filter webpage.

TMS.020 Digital Audio Management System
Add convenience, quality and network connectivity.
The TMS.020 Digital Audio Management System can be remotely managed via a modern web browser (audio uploaded, deleted, triggered or assigned) or by use of a physical control and screen. No special software or computer type is required - just a modern browser. Audio playback can also be triggered or stopped by simple HTML CGI commands.
Learn more about TMS.020.
Compare audio control methods.
Recording Services
Commission clear, professional-sounding broadcasts.
How much better can you hold your listeners' attention when your messages are recorded professionally? Our Recording Services bring a professional sound to your station's standard messages and is free to AAIRO * members for their general messages. Information Station Specialists can even provide time-based messages for calendars of events or seasonal programming for a nominal cost.
Learn more about our Recording Services.
(*) AAIRO, the American Association of Information Radio Operators, is a nonprofit group of Travelers Information Station operators, licensees and interested others across the country. Membership is free. Visit for details.
Stream your program to the world.
StreamCASTing allows you to take your information radio station’s program and stream it directly to your website – or as many websites as you wish. This makes your programming accessible on desktop computers as well as internet-enabled mobile devices both inside and outside your station’s coverage range. You can also invoke Amazon's Alexa via smart speakers to pull up your stream, if so optioned.

Includes Network Audio Bridge. The charge for this service is just a few dollars a day.
Visit our Streaming webpage.
6ISS Spares Kit 
Spares Kit
Keep a Component Spares Kit at "the ready."
Have spare components onhand in case they are needed. The Component Spares Kit typically includes one each:

•  Transmitter.
•  Antenna.
•  Wattmeter.
•  RF Arrestor.
•  Power Surge Arrestor.
•  Digital Message Player
•  Filters and Processors
•  UPS
Inquire for a price on a package customized to your needs.
7Flashing ALERT Sign 
Flashing ALERT Signs
Notify motorists instantly.
When the situation becomes critical, trigger Flashing ALERT Signs in the coverage area of your station to notify motorists to tune to the frequency and stay informed.
Learn more about Flashing ALERT Signs.

Emergency Management Operators
Sterling Heights, MI