| Rich Hercules Flanked by Antenna Installers, Foresthill Fire Protection District, CA Photo Courtesy of Foresthill FPD | Get Out Now! | CA Fire District Uses Radio & StreamCASTs to Move Residents Out of Harm's Way | Northeast of Sacramento, California, the Foresthill Fire Protection District had been operating a RadioSAFE System for two years and had been granted a waiver by the FCC to run at higher signal levels. Operator Richard Hercules told The Source that he has usable listening reports for 14 miles from the antenna, with 10 watts of transmitter power, and is streaming the content to the District’s website as well. The District also published a Q/R code for instant stream access.
“Local agencies have given us great feedback on messaging, when emergency conditions are declared throughout our county and adjacent counties,” said Hercules. “We have started another grant cycle to expand our radio signal further.” The RadioSAFE RSF 500:10 System includes a higher powered transmitter that can be employed in a crisis on a temporary basis with FCC permission.
In the fall, the Foresthill Fire Protection District in California battled the Mosquito Wildfire in the rugged mountains northeast of that town. Excellent timing. Operator Richard Hercules told The Source that he still had usable listening reports for 14 miles from the antenna, with 10 watts of transmitter power. The District is also streaming content to their website, where thousands tuned in daily for evacuation updates. (See StreamCASTing.)
“We have started another grant cycle to expand our radio signal farther,” said Hercules. In emergencies, the FCC will often permit a higher powered transmitter substitution to boost coverage even more, based on the situation. |